This assignment focuses on culturally responsive engagement and assessment with

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This assignment focuses on culturally responsive engagement and assessment with children and their families.
Select a case of a child or family for which additional work would broaden and deepen your understanding. If you do not currently have a case for study, please consult the instructor. Present a biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment and plan for engagement according to the following criteria:
Introduce your assessment and engagement with the central concepts from the theory you have chosen to guide your assessment and engagement, as well as why you selected that theory. You can use either the theories studied in class (Relational Practice Perspective, Ecological Transactional Practice) or another theory of your choosing. In your discussion of the case, use the relevant theoretical material as well as additional data from the case to support your claims. Use the relevant Chapters in your text as a guide (Konrad Ch 1, 4-6; Webb Ch. 1, 3-6)
In your assessment, be sure to include the following:
Individual data (e.g., age, sex, grade, previous testing, diagnosis)
Identification and description of child and family
Presenting problem and referral information/reason
History of the Problem (onset and duration)
Specific developmental history (mother’s pregnancy, birth, infancy, early childhood, school, relevant medical history)
Cultural factors (including but not limited to history, traditions, values, religion, race, ethnicity, etc.).
History of abuse, trauma, or loss
Observational/interview data
Child’s personal perception of the problem
Religious or Spiritual considerations impacting the family.
Strengths and weaknesses of the child and the family
Child’s support system (nuclear family members, extended family members, school/peers, religious affiliation, neighborhood or other activities)
Case Formulation
Summarize the difficulties identified in this case
Summarize client’s strengths and resources
Identify biopsychosocial-spiritual factors that improve or worsen the presenting problem
Consideration of culture-please respond to at least two of the following prompts:
Describe ways the child/family’s culture could play a role in your work with them.
What are ways you can demonstrate cultural competence and cultural humility in your work with this child/family?
What are ways your own cultural identity could impact your work with this child/family?
What types of historical influences should you consider when working with this family?
To what degree does the culture/values of this child/family influence their view of the presenting problem?
How does culture influence how this family conceptualizes their current situation and how might this differ from your conceptualization?
Plan for Engagement
Summarize your impressions and thoughts about how to go about engaging with the client and empowering them within their situation.
Identify how you intend to connect with the child and/or family during your first sessions.
What types of play materials will you have available to help engage with and assess your child client (see Fig 3.3 and table 4.1 in Webb text).
How will you demonstrate cultural humility in the engagement process?
Formulate possible goals to explore with this client and ideas of how to track progress
Identify what types of services might be beneficial for the client/family.
Please make sure to change the names and any other identifiable details about the client/family.
This assignment relates to CSWE competencies 6 (engagement) & 7 (assessment) below.
Competency 6: Advanced generalist social workers understand theories of human behavior and person-in- environment and critically evaluate and apply this knowledge in complex practice situations to facilitate engagement with clients.
Competency 7: Advanced generalist social workers understand theories of human behavior and person-in-environment and critically evaluate and apply this knowledge in complex practice situations to engage in culturally responsive assessment with clients.

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