Note: There is no requirement for page numbers since this is a narrated PowerPoi

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Note: There is no requirement for page numbers since this is a narrated PowerPoint. Your Narrated Presentation should be 15 to 25 minutes. Please consult with the MBU Helpdesk if you need technology assistance with a narrated PowerPoint.
Include a reference section at the end of your PowerPoint as well as citations of research throughout your narrated presentation.
This PowerPoint should begin with a description of a client with whom you worked currently or in the past.
In addition, you can use a case example from any of your textbooks.
Disguise personal information to protect confidentiality.
This assignment is related to the assessment competency, and the purpose is to assess your diagnostic skills.
The description should include the following elements:
The presentation of symptoms and signs after you introduce the client.
Symptoms and signs present which will help with the differential diagnosis.
A description of the client’s current biopsychosocial situation, especially any current stressors.
An abbreviated social history includes mention of relevant historical information such as abuse during childhood, traumatic events, and dominant interpersonal styles of the client and essential others.
Cultural background and any features thereof relevant to differential diagnosis and assessment.
Discuss the uncertainties of DSM diagnosis and the possible consequences and ethical issues, positive and negative, of making specific diagnoses.
DSM diagnoses are appropriate to the clinical data.
Differential diagnosis.
The client’s impact and difficulties with significant others and vice-versa.
Reference section.

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