Please answer the following question in a 500 word word short essa written by yo

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Please answer the following question in a 500 word word short essa written by yourself and unaided by an AI. 
Cathy O’Neil’s Weapons of Math Destruction explores how data-driven decision making or analysis applications (algorithms, statistical tools, dashboards) tend to disenfranchise the already poor and marginalized. One of the major factors in this is the way existing data or proxies are adopted in the engineering and design process. In a 500 word short essy please identify and explain at least two potential ethical problems in the use of algorithmic applications in criminal justice settings like sentencing, recidivism risk prediction, or predictive policing. Include direct quotations from at least two different course readings, videos, or lecture slides (and cite the source indicating the author and title).  
Among the course topics you might put into conversation: 
O’Neil’s writing on recidivism, sentencing, or predictive policing algorithms
the Loomis case in Wisconsin 
Ruha Benjamin’s discussion of “the new Jim Code”

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