Review these instructions carefully and follow them closely: Answer the question

By admin

Review these instructions carefully and follow them closely:
Answer the question below in approximately four to five typewritten pages. Be sure to address and answer the question as it is asked. Your answer must demonstrate your knowledge of the assigned readings and reflect class lectures and discussion. Offer a clear description and close analysis of relevant portions of the assigned readings. Provide textual evidence throughout your statement by citing the page numbers of the relevant passages at the end of a particular observation or claim. For example, Locke claims that reason is the law of nature (271). Your page citations should underscore your path through the text. Nonetheless, do not copy or rely on (long) quotations— (I have the book and quotations do not explain themselves)–but on your ability to paraphrase by describing the relevant textual passages in your own words. Try to work your way from accurate description to analysis and then to argument. Work to identify, define and develop key principles, problems and apparent solutions to problems. Build in your own analysis on that basis. Extract your argument and conclusions from your analysis. Be sure to begin with a clear thesis and support your conclusion with logical analysis or argument based on textual evidence. Do not make assertions or offer opinions that are not grounded in the text as a replacement for analysis and argument. Write clearly and concisely. Remember good reading, writing and thinking require rereading, rewriting, and rethinking. NOTE: NO secondary sources are permitted***but you MUST cite all sources***and your work must be entirely your own. (Warning: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. ) Exhortation: Do Your Best Work.
Compare and contrast as fully and critically as you can Publius’ understanding of the relation between liberty, popular government and the proposed Constitution of the United States of America with that of Brutus and one or two other Anti-Federalists of your choosing. Pick a side, and explain why that side of this debate seems to have the stronger or less weak arguments. Explain which side of this debate, more or less, reflects and/or departs from the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

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