Please respond to the questions and prompts below. You can copy and paste these

By admin

Please respond to the questions and prompts below. You can copy and paste these prompts into your reply if you wish!
Initial posts are due by 11:59pm on Friday and follow-up posts are due by 11:59pm on Sunday. Also, your initial posts must fully answer the prompt in your first post in order to receive credit for this!
Initial post (due Friday by 11:59pm):
Please answer the following questions:True or False? When using the formulas for validity in hypothetical syllogisms, it is critical that you put the syllogism into standard form, at least in your mind, before you look for the corresponding formula (modus ponens, modus tollens, affirming the consequent, denying the antecedent).
In an enthymeme, how can you tell right off the bat whether you have already been supplied with the conclusion?
In an enthymeme where you have already been supplied the conclusion, how can you find the MINOR term?
In an enthymeme where you have already been supplied the conclusion, how can you find the MAJOR term?
Reply post (due Sunday by 11:59pm):
Comment helpfully on a classmate’s post. By “helpfully,” I mean try to offer some advice if you think an error has been made or if you think that anything can be made more clear. If you can’t find either of those two situations, explain to a classmate how your post differs from theirs.

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