Organization and Format The RP paper must be written using Arial 11-point font,

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Organization and Format
The RP paper must be written using Arial 11-point font, be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, and page
numbers included in the bottom center of each page throughout. Scientific writing strives to convey the
necessary information completely but concisely, and the most important aspect is that the essential
elements of each section of the paper are included according to the guidelines and rubrics to receive full
credit. Length is not a grading criterion but typically successful RP papers are 8-10 pages. Each of the
sections outlined below should include a subheading/numbering as described (i.e., the Introduction section
should begin with the heading Introduction). Refer to the Template and Sample Paper on Webcourses.
Note that failure to format the RP assignments and paper as instructed will have a significantly negative
impact on the final grade.
RP Paper components are as follows:
1. Title Page
• Must include a title with the name of the disease, the modifiable risk factor, and the target
• Is a separate page from the rest of the paper
• Do not include your name to allow for the blinded peer-review process in RP6
2. Introduction section
• Section 1.1: Describe the characteristics of the selected chronic disease, such as how the chronic
the disease develops and adversely affects health
• Section 1.2: Describe the magnitude of the disease among adults in Florida. Describe one of the
following: prevalence, incidence, mortality, hospitalization, or another specific measure provided
by the Florida Department of Health. Describe the patterns of the disease distribution overall
and by person, place, and time factors.
• Section 1.3: Describe the known risk factors for the selected chronic disease and focus
specifically on one modifiable risk factor of interest (e.g., smoking, physical activity, diet, access
to healthcare, etc.) as your topic. Explain why this one specific modifiable risk factor was chosen
as your exposure in relation to the one measure of disease frequency selected in Section 1.2.
• Section 1.4: State the research question and hypothesis
3. Methods section
• Describe the statistical correlation analysis that was conducted to estimate the association
between the modifiable risk factor (i.e., exposure) and the chronic disease (i.e., outcome)
•Describe the approach conducting the literature review for the three relevant peer-reviewed
articles on the research question/topic, such as the database used to conduct the search and the
key search terms that were included.
4. Results section
• Section 3.1: Describe the results from the correlation analysis, including a chart visually depicting
the correlation, the correlation coefficient, the p-value, and a written interpretation of the
• Section 3.2: Include a table summarizing the abstracts from the three peer-reviewed
publications. Information should include the title, study design, exposure, disease outcome,
main study findings including the estimated measure of association (i.e., odds ratio, risk ratio,
hazards ratio) and the 95% confidence interval. Citations for the three articles should be
provided in APA format with a link to the article (i.e., DOI, PMCID)
5. Conclusion section
• Describe how the findings for the correlation analysis answer the proposed research question
and the potential clinical and public health findings in an introductory paragraph.
• Describe how the findings from the correlation analysis do or do not align with the prior
literature (i.e., the three peer-reviewed publication). If results from your analysis and the
literature are conflicting, explain potential reasons in a separate paragraph
6. References
• References must be provided beginning on a separate page following the Conclusion section
• References must be formatted in APA format (either 6th or 7th)
• References can be formatted using citation generators such as EndNote, Zotero, or any other
citation management software. Refer to the UCF Libraries webpage for resources on citation
• Note that using citation management software does not necessarily mean that the citations will
be formatted correctly, and you are responsible for ensuring that they follow APA format. For
example, if citating an organization’s website, ensure that the name of the organization appears
correctly in the Reference list as the full name and not incorrectly abbreviated with letters or
7. Tables and Figures
• Each must have a corresponding and informative title
• Each must be numbered sequentially as they appear in the paper
• Each must be referred to in the text
• Each must have citations as needed.
At the bottom, there are documents which are draft of the paper you can use to help and the rubric.

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