Analysis Report in SAS Studio – Customer Orders A multi-national company wishes

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Analysis Report in SAS Studio – Customer Orders
A multi-national company wishes to increase sales while maximizing profits. Your task is to analyze a sample of five years of their customer catalog, online, and retail sales data. A link to the customers.csv Download customers.csvdataset is provided. The variable names can be found in the first row of the file. You must determine if any of the variables in the dataset have a strong relationship with the sales amount and if any of the variables could serve as predictor variables for future increased sales. After conducting the descriptive and predictive analysis, you are expected to recommend a course of action based on your analysis of the existing dataset. That course of action could range from needing additional data for an adequate level of analysis to concrete steps for increasing sales while maximizing profits. Note: The customers.csv dataset is relatively large (over 950,000 records), as such, it may take time to process while working in SAS® OnDemand.
Your deliverables for this assignment include a report containing the following:
1-2-business questions including how this data can answer the questions
Alternate and null hypotheses for each business question
Descriptive statistics test results: charts, graphs, and tables including a discussion of your findings
Predictive statistics test results: charts, graphs, and tables including a discussion of your findings
Recommendations for further action
Your paper must be 4-6-pages in length (not including the title page and reference page), well-written and formatted in conformity with the guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. In support of your response, cite and integrate at least 2credible sources (not including the course textbooks). The CSU Global LibraryLinks to an external site. is a good place to find these references.

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