Response Paper 3: Ageing and healthcare Survey of Gerontology Response Direction

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Response Paper 3: Ageing and healthcare
Survey of Gerontology Response
Find one news story that discusses the impact that ageing populations have on healthcare.
Summarize the article in one to two paragraphs.
Describe how the article deal with at least two themes covered in class. One to two paragraphs.
Do you think the article presents a fair descriiption of the impact that an ageing population is having on the healthcare system? One to two paragraphs.
Provide at least one criticisms of the coverage in the article. One to two paragraphs.
Grading: Students will be graded 25 points for their response to each section. High marks (between 20 and 25 points) will require students to show a particular insights in their response. All citations should be in APA format.

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