you will interview a successful entrepreneur from your network of contacts and c

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By admin

you will interview a successful entrepreneur from your network of contacts and connections. Do not submit the interview. You have the option of a) recording your assignment as a video, or b) writing a paper to deliver the content of this assignment. The person you interview should have extensive and recent experience running a small business (at least five years). Although you are free to take the interview into areas of business that interest you, you are required to ask the following five questions, as they pertain directly to material covered in this course, and may provide you with another valid perspective:
Please tell me about your value proposition – what pains are you solving, and for whom? How easy or difficult was it for you to find the “right” product or service needed by your target market?
How did business growth happen for you? Was it organic, or did you consciously set out to grow your business? What challenges to growth did you face and how did you overcome these challenges?
How did you capitalize your company? What advice would give entrepreneurs seeking growth capital?
Please tell us what global risks you see as potentially impacting your business (you may need to prompt the six global risk categories from Unit 9.)
Lastly, could you describe any environmental, social or corporate responsibility initiatives you have in your business?
Your interview can be recorded (in Zoom or other video platform), or you may take notes, simply jotting down the answers provided. Your assignment submission is different, however. You will give a summary of what you learned from this entrepreneur, and how it impacted your understanding of the course content, either written as a paper, or provided by video. You should cover the following elements in your submission:
Introduction of the entrepreneur and company, and how you know this person
Answers provided for the 5 required questions, plus your thoughts on how this entrepreneur’s answers either confirmed or changed your understanding of the content.
Any additional comments or Aha! Moments that happened during the interview
Summary and conclusions – what did you learn? How will this new knowledge impact you as a business owner?
So again, please do not submit your interview recording. You must answer the four questions above, and you can do so by recording yourself on video, or by writing the answers in a paper. The choice is up to you. Please refer to the Assignment Rubric for more detail on assessment scoring.