Prompt-ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM – Environmental racism often goes unnoticed and unch

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Prompt-ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM – Environmental racism often goes unnoticed and unchecked in America, yet communities of color and impoverished communities are often the ones MOST affected by climate change. Why do you think that white people are less likely to rank environmental problems as a pressing concern? How is racial resentment correlated with climate change denialism? How do you think climate change denialism should be addressed? Requirements: This essay must have the standard elements of an essay: introduction/thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your introduction and thesis statement should focus or set up the main idea or main argument of your essay. Then, each body paragraph should provide evidence to support your thesis and should stay on one topic at a time. The conclusion should answer the following questions: SO WHAT and NOW WHAT. The “so what” is why this topic should matter to your reader. The “now what” (sometimes referred to as the “Call to Action”) is an explanation of what we should do now that we have read your essay. Since this is a research paper, your essay must use and cite at least THREE sources in addition to McGhee’s text. Each body paragraph should contain at least ONE direct quotation and in-text citation. This essay must follow the conventions of good writing and will be graded on the basis of these conventions: organization, focus, development (support/details), clarity of ideas, and grammatical correctness. Since this is an objective research essay, you should NOT use the first person point of view (I, me/my/mine, we/us/our/ours). Instead, use the third person point of view (one, people, they, them, everyone, everybody, Americans) This essay must have at least five (5) paragraphs and must be at least three (3) pages in length. Please do not exceed four (4) pages. This essay must be written in proper MLA format. This essay must be an original work of your own and not plagiarized in any way. This essay requires you to cite material from McGhee’s book as well as THREE outside sources. Therefore, you will need BOTH in-text citations and Works Cited page. Be sure to include page number next to in-text citations. Book- The Sum Of Us by Heather McGhee