Instructions What you need to do To “annotate” something means “to add notes,”

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By admin

What you need to do
To “annotate” something means “to add notes,” so your assignment is to take the List of Research Sources from Week 10 and provide a brief paragraph under each entry that does the following:
Specifies if it’s a primary or secondary source. If it’s a primary source, specify the genre (i.e., short story, poem, novel, film). If it’s a secondary source, specify if it is popular or scholarly.
Summarizes the main idea, argument, or plot of the source.
Explains how this source will be used in your research project
Assignment Requirements
Assignment must be submitted as a Word document
Document must include 10 sources
Document must have both primary and secondary sources
Sources must be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name (or title if no author is available, see sample here)
Sources must be listed in MLA format (comprehensive info on MLA format can be found at this website, make sure to click tabs on left of the linked page to find all info about MLA format!)
Each source must include author, title, and publication info
Document must be neatly organized with a consistent type size and font for each source listed
Must include an annotation for each source that follows the instructions listed above