Your readings and essay assignments so far have analyzed various issues and topi

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Your readings and essay assignments so far have analyzed various issues and topics. This assignment allows you to look back on one of your previous essays or reading responses and extend your thinking through research. You will choose a topic or issue from the Gale Opposing Viewpoints Database that connects to a topic from one of your previous assignments and extend your research in this area. The goal of this assignment is to learn about different kinds of sources and how we use them, and to research sources that would help you write a researched essay about your topic. This assignment is designed to help you locate and analyze research that you will use in your Essay Four assignment.
Step 1: Explore Gale Database
Explore the Gale database for topics and sources. Identify a topic from within the database, and locate sources that help you learn more about it.
You will notice that Gale organizes their sources first by topic and then by type. Choose your sources from the following types: Viewpoints, Academic Journals, Reference, Magazines, and News. (For this assignment, we will not be using Statistics, Videos, Audio, Websites, and Images, but you can feel free to browse these sources).
Locate five (5) sources from a single Gale topic. Choose sources that help you learn something new and understand your topic in different ways. Your five sources must include the following:
● At least one “Viewpoint” source
● At least one Academic Journal source
● At least one News source
● At least one Magazine source
● At least one source you disagree with (in part or in entirety)
● One favorite source that you love and agree with (at least in part)
Step 2: Annotated Bibliography
Prepare an annotated bibliography using four of your sources. Provide a complete citation for each source using MLA format, and use a different source for each of the below questions.
You will notice that Gale sometimes renames sources for inclusion in their database, particularly for Viewpoint essays. Be sure your citation for each source includes the Gale citation as well as the publication information, including the title if it has changed.
Choose one source that credibly informs you about your topic. Hint: if you haven’t learned something new, you need to look further. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain what interests you about this topic and source, what you specifically learned from the source, how you know it’s credible, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one source that challenges something you thought you knew about this issue. Hint: if you haven’t been surprised or questioned what you thought you knew or believed, you need to look further. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain what interests you about this source, what specifically surprised or challenged you, how you know this source is credible, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one Academic Journal source that provides an example of academic research on this issue. This should be a peer-reviewed academic source (as indicated in Gale), published in the last 6 years, that provides you with an example of current academic research on this issue or, even better, a survey of research on this issue. Provide a summary of the source that includes the major finding and method of research used (one paragraph), and then explain how this research connects (if at all) to current popular conversations on this topic, what questions you have about this research, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one magazine or news source that demonstrates popular current public conversation on this issue. This should be a current source (published in the last 6 years) from a major publication that provides you with an example of current popular coverage of this issue. Provide a summary of the source that includes the main claim or question(s) driving the conversation (one paragraph), and then explain how this conversation connects (if at all) to current research on this topic, what questions you have about this topic, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose a favorite source that you like for any reason. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain why you like it and how you would incorporate this source into an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source and your essay for support (1-2 paragraphs).
Additional Directions:
Summary paragraphs should each include a description of what the source is about, its major claims and the kind of evidence it uses, the purpose of the source and its genre and publication context.
All citations should be in MLA format. Use MLA formatting guides provided in Achieve to help you with MLA citation
Step 3: Reflection
Write a reflection (1-2 pages) about your research process and what you learned.
What did you learn about your topic through the research you did? How did the sources you found change your understanding about your topic?
What further research, if any, would you want to do to further your understanding of this topic?
How will these sources help you with Essay 4? How will you approach Essay 4? (One paragraph description).
Additional Information-
Writer Instructions
The goal of this assignment is to learn about different kinds of sources and how we use them, and to research sources that would help you write a researched essay about your topic. This assignment is designed to help you locate and analyze research that you will use in your Essay Four assignment.
Step 1: Explore Gale Database
Explore the Gale database for topics and sources. Identify a topic from within the database, and locate sources that help you learn more about it.
You will notice that Gale organizes their sources first by topic and then by type. Choose your sources from the following types: Viewpoints, Academic Journals, Reference, Magazines, and News. (For this assignment, we will not be using Statistics, Videos, Audio, Websites, and Images, but you can feel free to browse these sources).
Locate five (5) sources from a single Gale topic. Choose sources that help you learn something new and understand your topic in different ways. Your five sources must include the following:
● At least one “Viewpoint” source
● At least one Academic Journal source
● At least one News source
● At least one Magazine source
● At least one source you disagree with (in part or in entirety)
● One favorite source that you love and agree with (at least in part)
Step 2: Annotated Bibliography
Prepare an annotated bibliography using four of your sources. Provide a complete citation for each source using MLA format, and use a different source for each of the below questions.
You will notice that Gale sometimes renames sources for inclusion in their database, particularly for Viewpoint essays. Be sure your citation for each source includes the Gale citation as well as the publication information, including the title if it has changed.
Choose one source that credibly informs you about your topic. Hint: if you haven’t learned something new, you need to look further. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain what interests you about this topic and source, what you specifically learned from the source, how you know it’s credible, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one source that challenges something you thought you knew about this issue. Hint: if you haven’t been surprised or questioned what you thought you knew or believed, you need to look further. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain what interests you about this source, what specifically surprised or challenged you, how you know this source is credible, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one Academic Journal source that provides an example of academic research on this issue. This should be a peer-reviewed academic source (as indicated in Gale), published in the last 6 years, that provides you with an example of current academic research on this issue or, even better, a survey of research on this issue. Provide a summary of the source that includes the major finding and method of research used (one paragraph), and then explain how this research connects (if at all) to current popular conversations on this topic, what questions you have about this research, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose one magazine or news source that demonstrates popular current public conversation on this issue. This should be a current source (published in the last 6 years) from a major publication that provides you with an example of current popular coverage of this issue. Provide a summary of the source that includes the main claim or question(s) driving the conversation (one paragraph), and then explain how this conversation connects (if at all) to current research on this topic, what questions you have about this topic, and how you could use this source in an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source for support (1-2 paragraphs)
Choose a favorite source that you like for any reason. Provide a summary of the source (one paragraph) and then explain why you like it and how you would incorporate this source into an essay. Include specific quotes and details from the source and your essay for support (1-2 paragraphs).
Additional Directions:
Summary paragraphs should each include a description of what the source is about, its major claims and the kind of evidence it uses, the purpose of the source and its genre and publication context.
All citations should be in MLA format. Use MLA formatting guides provided in Achieve to help you with MLA citation
Step 3: Reflection
Write a reflection (1-2 pages) about your research process and what you learned.
What did you learn about your topic through the research you did? How did the sources you found change your understanding about your topic?
What further research, if any, would you want to do to further your understanding of this topic?
How will these sources help you with Essay 4? How will you approach Essay 4? (One paragraph description).
Peer Reviewer Instructions
Use the Draft Goals to evaluate your peer’s draft. Provide feedback by adding comments connected with the Draft Goals to help the writer use your feedback more effectively.
Provide feedback by adding at least 2 comments connected with the Draft Goals that correspond to their writing.
Add at least one comment to their draft that points out something they did well (a concept they analyzed well, a good observation they made, etc.).
Add at least one comment that adds another point, quote or concept that you think they could consider.
Identify any places in which you have a question about what they have included in their draft.
Peer Reviewer Reflection QuestionsFree ResponseHas the writer completed all parts of the assignment?
Free ResponseWhat should the writer continue to do well?
Free ResponseWhat questions does this leave you wondering? What more do you want to know?
Free ResponseIf you had to offer a counterargument to the to writer’s position, what would it be?
Free ResponseWhat is one point or piece of evidence the writer should consider that they haven’t
Writing Reflection Questions
Agree/Disagree PollI know the criteria that will be used for giving me feedback.
Free ResponseOne idea I want to develop further is…
Free ResponseBased on your reviews of your peers’ work, what is one thing they are doing in their writing that you might try in yours?
Free ResponseWhat is one piece of advice you would give your reviewers to help them improve the feedback they give?
Free ResponseDid you receive any feedback that you did not comprehend? How will you resolve this?
Agree/Disagree PollI knew what to focus on when giving feedback to my peers.
Agree/Disagree PollThe feedback I received will help me successfully revise my assignment