You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the A

By admin

You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
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Email submission will not be accepted.
You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Grading Criteria Calculate the throughput of communication medium
Propagation Delay Diagram of this Communication Channel
Create a communications Link Layer Switch Model
Description and Instructions The objective of this project is to understand communications methods in OSI Model.
The project is a Group work with a minimum of 3 People and a maximum of 4 People.
Each group must submit/upload 3 files:
project report in word document
PDF file of the project report
Presentation in PPT/PPTX format.
One of the group members (group leader) should submit all the files on the blackboard. Marks will be given based on your submission and the quality of the content.
Your project must be original work. The project will be checked using a plagiarism tool. Any matching with an online project or another/previous student project will be given ZERO.
Project Total Marks = 14
Due date: 5th December 2023 @11:59 PM
Learning Outcome(s):
CLO 2:
Develop the ability to outline layered approach for networking and the physical layer & associated hardware and software integration.
CLO 4:
Demonstrate protocol configuration, network-addressing schemes and analyze packet transmission for the Local and Wide Area Networks.
Description and Instructions You are a Network Engineer and you want to analyze the communications methods and techniques of the signals in OSI Model. Suppose a signal travels through a transmission medium then in this transmission Medium, calculate and solve the given below problems:
1.A transmission medium with 50 Mbps bandwidth can communicate average of 10,000 frames per day. If the capacity of each frame is 250 bits then Calculate the throughput of this communication medium.
2.Sender(Ahmad) and Receiver(Mohammad) are connected through a communication Link, if Bandwidth of this channel is 3 Mbps and Propagation delay is 10 Second then draw Propagation Delay Diagram of this Communication Channel?
3.Create a communications Link Layer Switch Model for port numbers associated with following IP addresses:
Port No.
IP Address

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