Week 6 Chpt 5 Each Chapter will be 3 (825 Words) pages in length. Think of each

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Week 6 Chpt 5
Each Chapter will be 3 (825 Words) pages in length. Think of each Chapter as the study of your readings for that particular week. The paper should have a Position Statement (your Conclusion with your Evidence of 3 to 5 critical points or major items of interest to you from your readings) in the Introduction paragraph and restated in the Conclusion paragraph. Submission criteria: There are 3 parts to each point or major item of interest to you that I want to see your submitted work:
(1) Reference where in the reading (SA or M and page number) you found the point. (2) Then reference what Leadership principle, concept or value you are applying to this point. Those principles, concepts or values can come from any of your previous course work (i.e. work that covered Leadership, Case Studies in Leadership, Innovation, Effective Conflict Resolution, Leading Change, and Creating Effective Teamwork .
(3) Finally, relate the point and the Leadership principle, concept or value to you personally – for example, how you can use this in your workplace or future workplace.
USE PARAGRAPH HEADERS in your Chapters/Final Submission. The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, 1.5-inch margins (top and left) and one-inch margins (bottom and right), 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial), and generally follow APA format.