Research Paper Preschool Curriculum Model for Early Childhood Education Step 1:

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Research Paper Preschool Curriculum Model for Early Childhood Education
Step 1: Research and select a Preschool Curriculum Model of your preference. ( 5 points )
Step 2: Evaluate and assess the following components of the Curriculum Model: ( 10 points )
Introduction (Background of the curriculum model. Explain how this curriculum model is operating in Early Childhood settings)
Philosophy, Vision & Mission
Learning Outcomes or Objectives
Educational Materials
Learning Areas
Teaching Strategies
Evaluation and Assessment
Step 3: 10 NAEYC Program Standards (Please, see attached document) ( 12 points )
How do these components align with the 10 NAEYC program standards?
Make a list of each component and, next to it, write all the NAEYC program standards that support that piece of the Curriculum Model.
Step 4:for (an infant, toddler, or preschooler) create a lesson plan for the Curriculum Model that you selected to demonstrate how you put into practice the 10 NAEYC program standards through your activity or lesson plan. Include a copy of your learning activity or lesson plan here. ( 12 points )
This kind of activity is age appropriate for: ( an infant, toddler, or preschooler ).
Describe your activity what kind of activity is it ( writing, science, math, reading, art. etc. )
Explain why this activity is age appropriate for the child of your choice (an infant, toddler, or preschooler)
Describe your learning outcomes or objectives
Describe the educational materials that you utilized during this activity. Are the educational materials age appropriate and safe for children? If the activity benefit children of all learning styles (kinesthetic learners, auditory learners and visual learners )?
If this activity kept in mind the individual differences such as gender, life experiences, temperament, interests, culture, and special needs).
If the activity promotes social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language development.
Step 5: Write a self- reflection paper and summarize the main points of your research and activity. How the activity worked? Based on your findings what part of the activity worked well or what part of the activity didn’t work well? If you need to make changes- what changes would make this activity run smoothly. How the child or children behave during the activity? If the children interested in the activity? Please, describe any other details that you observe during the implementation of this activity. ( 11 points )
Why do you think this curriculum is developmentally appropriate for young children in the following developmental areas?
Gross Motor Development
Fine Motor Development
Social-Emotional Development
Language Development
Cognitive Development
Self-help & Adaptive Development