Read the articles listed on the library website for Ash, Disney, and Ford
Then answer the following questions in your own words – do not copy sentences from the website. You get points for this activity by simply doing your best. We will discuss these concepts further in our groups, so you will not lose any points if you make a mistake.
1A. Write 3 sentences in your own words giving bibliographical information about who Mary Kay Ash was:
B: Write 3 sentences summarizing why Mary Kay Ash was successful:
C. Write the works cited information from the article you read:
2A. Write 3 sentences in your own words giving bibliographical information about who Walt Disney was:
B: Write 3 sentences summarizing why Walt Disney was successful:
C. Write the works cited information from the article you read:
3A. Write 3 sentences in your own words giving bibliographical information about who Henry Ford was:
B: Write 3 sentences summarizing why Henry Ford was successful:
C. Write the works cited information from the article you read:
Read the articles listed on the library website for Ash, Disney, and Ford Then a
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