I’m working on a social work presentation and need a sample draft to help me i

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I’m working on a social work presentation and need a sample draft to help me
i am looking for more detailed presentation slide and speaker notes
You are to deliver a 15-minute live presentation (10-12 min for presentation; 3-5 min for Q&A) of your proposed research during your scheduled class time. You must accompany your presentation with PowerPoint slides. Your presentation should address the following points:
Background: Tell us about your research topic and why you chose it
Tell us your research question(s)
IF QUANTITATIVE: What is your hypothesis?
MethodsResearch designExploratory, Descriptive, or Explanatory?
Cross-sectional or Longitudinal?
Research sampleDescription of sample
Sampling method
Projected sample size
Data collection methodsMeasurement instrument description
If quantitative: Explanation of variables (independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), explanation of conceptualization and operationalization of variables)
If qualitative: Describe the key concepts of your study; be sure to define the key theory(ies) that inform your understanding of these concepts
A concern/question you’d like your peers to give you feedback on