If possible you can do a flip grid video without showing your face or write it d

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By admin

If possible you can do a flip grid video without showing your face or write it down and I will read and create the flip grid video. My chosen subject is “Technology and Society”
Once that category is selected, students are encouraged to narrow their focus and identify a singular technological development of the past 10 years. Students will conduct their own independent research, identifying the development of this technology, its implementation, and it societal impact. Then, students will record a 7-10 minute presentation of their findings in a Flip Grid Video.
Students are expected to conduct original research of their chosen area of study. Students must compile at LEAST five reputable primary or secondary sources. A Works Cited Pages (MLA Format) must be uploaded onto the Blackboard “Classroom Presentation” assignment submission page on one’s assigned due date.
The Classroom Presentation will be graded on the following criteria (10 pts each): Depth of Information, Breadth of Information, Presentation Style, Audio/Visual Components, and Audience Considerations.
Students will ALSO be graded as participants (20 pts total) of their peers’ presentations. Students are expected to interact with 20 peers’ work (~5 videos per week), submitting comments, thoughtful critiques, and sharing personal experiences.
Students are expected to upload their work onto FlipGrid on their designated due date, aligned with their chosen “category of study.” Students must also submit a Works Cited Page in Blackboard on their specific due date.
Students are expected to comment upon their peers work in a timely manner (within one week of upload). I will review all 20 comments (written or video recorded) and assign a participation grade reflective of student work.