Hey class,
Automated assessment tools are used to perform scans, checks and fixes on an operating system automatically. This is beneficial to the user because it allows them to perform a lot of them quickly. New vulnerabilities are constantly being identified and the use of automated tools makes staying on top of them easier. SecPod offers their SanerNow vulnerability management tool that scans for 175,00 plus software vulnerabilities. SanerNow deploys agents that monitor endpoints to remedy security risks on other devices connect to the same network. It can be installed on Linux, Mac and Windows. An attacker could use SanerNow to scan their own system to identify vulnerabilities and use that information to exploit others. Organizations can avoid this by constantly scanning and updating their operating systems. They could also employ multiple automated assessment tools. This will keep them one step ahead of any potential attackers. -Chris
Automated Assessment Tools. Accessed 1 November 2023. Flylib.com. https://flylib.com/books/en/1.36.1/automated_assessment_tools.html
SecPod. Accessed 1 November 2023. https://www.secpod.com/vulnerability-management/?utm_source=sth&utm_medium=sth-va&utm_campaign=va-tool
Hey class, Automated assessment tools are used to perform scans, checks and fixe
By admin