Companies engaged in international business routinely conduct due diligence surv

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By admin

Companies engaged in international business routinely conduct due
diligence surveys of potential overseas markets prior to entry. This project is designed
to give you hands-on experience in pre-entry research and analysis of foreign markets.
Political and Legal Climate (15 points)
• Type of government (democratic, totalitarian, etc.)
• Stability of the government
• Level of political risk
• Level of government participation in the economic system
• Type of legal system
• Level of protection of property rights
It is recommended that you cite your sources and list your references using an APA
format. You are required to cite your sources in parentheses within the text.
Your reference list must include all sources cited in your paper and must be listed
in alphabetical order. They must also include the full URL. Wikipedia: The use of
Wikipedia is not allowed.
more instructions on the Word document