Attached is a word document outlining the assignment: Your job is to create a Mo

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By admin

Attached is a word document outlining the assignment:
Your job is to create a Monte Carlo simulation that simulates a certain number of dice rolls and identifies the distribution. You can do this by having two individual cells that both use the function “randbetween” to create fictitious rolls of two individual die. You can then create a cell that represents the sum of the two random die values and create your Monte Carlo analysis based on this summed value. Your Monte Carlo should run 20 iterations. “Copy” and “Paste Special – Values” your output of the simulation to lock in the values for analysis. Create a Pivot Table showing the count by outcome (from 2 to 12, although it is possible some outcomes will have zero).
Create two additional tabs in your worksheet that recreate this simulation and Pivot Table, but with a differing number of roles of the dice. The second tab should have 100 rolls and the third tab should have 1000 rolls.
Finally, create a “Summary” tab. In this tab, write a quick Executive Summary of the findings. How did each set compare to the expected outcome? Why do we see this trend?