Please Choice One or the other paper to do!: Either the Innovative Policy Paper

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Please Choice One or the other paper to do!:
Either the Innovative Policy Paper addressing one specific disparity or Comparative Policy Paper!
Both paper options are detailed below:
I. Innovative Policy addressing one disparity
This assignment is worth 24 points. You have the option to choose either
Policy Innovation on Disparities Project Or Comparative Policy Analysis.
Assignment Details for Policy Innovation on Disparities Project

Identify, describe, and analyze an innovative policy or program in the area of health or mental health services that is effectively addressing a disparity experienced by a specific demographic group. You can review the policy practice chapters in Part II of the Mental and Behavioral Health text. Each chapter focuses on one demographic group and documents the disparities they experience. You can use this to help guide you.
Your task is to find an innovative policy that has helped to decrease health disparities for your selected group(s).
What did the policy do?
Who or what organization created it initially?
Has it been replicated anywhere else?
How is the outcome measured?
Is it quality, access, or cost that is the target of the disparity reduction? (You also have the option to focus on another nation’s approach or to select a demographic group not addressed in your text as long as they have a documented unequal access to health resources, to good quality care, or affordable care.)
This should be in APA format. Length is 12 pages including abstract, title page, references, and double-spacing with 1” margins. References should be seven or more with a minimum of five peer review. This article will give you some examples: Links to an external site.Be sure to consult the assignment rubric posted on Canvas.Links to an external site.
Here is one example of this assignment:
annotated-Policy_20Innovation_20on_20Disparities_20Project_20.pdfDownload annotated-Policy_20Innovation_20on_20Disparities_20Project_20.pdf
Disparities Policy Rubric Final.docxDownload Disparities Policy Rubric Final.docx
II. Comparative Policy between two nations or two US states
Overall Directions- Comparative Policy Analysis
Develop a comparative policy analysis of a health or behavioral health problem of your choosing.
How extensive is the problem and how is it addressed in the United States?
What state or federal policies address it?
What are the policy goals?
How are access, financing, and quality addressed?
Have the policy outcomes been evaluated? If so, how effective are the policies in achieving their goals?
Choose one other nation and answer these same questions. (Be sure to select a topic on which you can get the information you need to answer these questions.)
Assignment Details:
The paper should allocate equal pages to each country and include a minimum of five peer review journal articles.
Be sure to use APA format for this assignment.
Length is 12 pages minimum including abstract, title page, references, and double-spacing with 1” margins.
In addition to peer review articles, you may also want to access websites like the Census Bureau, Center for Disease Control, and other government or foundation websites.
For other nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and International Labor Organization (ILO) can be useful sources depending upon your topic.
Some examples of possible topics could include medical marijuana, assisted suicide, euthanasia, drug treatment and any other health or behavioral health topic for which you can get information to do the comparison.
Check with Temple librarians for additional help tracking down information on a topic.
Be sure to consult the assignment rubric posted on Canvas.
Comparative Policy Analysis RubricDownload Comparative Policy Analysis Rubric
Here is one example of this assignment:
I will attach the files that are in these directions descriptions.