You will create a RefWorks account and select 7 articles that will be used for y

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By admin

You will create a RefWorks account and select 7 articles that will be used for your final literature review paper, so choose wisely! Remember, you will need to select 5 quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research articles and 1 literature review article. The research question that you are trying to answer is: in adults with chronic sleep disorders, how does long term melatonin supplementation affect sleep quality, duration, and onset?
1) You have previously identified 6-10 relevant search terms. Use these and a database(PubMed, CINAHL, APA PsycInfo, etc.) to conduct a literature search related to your
research question. These are: “chronic sleep disorders,” “long term melatonin supplementation,” “melatonin and sleep quality,” “melatonin and sleep onset,” “sleep onset latency,” “sleep architecture,” and “melatonin dosage and time.”
2) Identify 7 relevant articles for the research question based on your inclusion/exclusion criteria. You will identify articles based on reading the title and abstract. Remember you should find 5 quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research articles and 1 literature review article.
3) Make sure you write the search terms used in refworks to find these papers
4) All the sources must be recent- 2014-current
For each source write what you found and how it is relevant to the research question and how it will help you answer your research question. The sources must be relevant to your research question, reliable, and help you answer your research question. These sources will be used to write your 10 page paper to answer your research question. If any questions, please reach out.