Of course, you may references sources, but include the source in your sentence o

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Of course, you may references sources, but include the source in your sentence or at the end. Also, make sure to use direct quotes for any sources that you copy directly.
Submit a document with the questions numbered. Place your answer under the question.
1. Define “Renaissance.”
2. What is the Reformation?
3. What was the Tudor dynasty’s impact on society, the church, and of the growth of the middle class?
4. What was patronage?
5. What was the philosophy of the Great Chain of Being?
6. How did this philosophy impact society?
7. define “Humanism.”
8. Cite two examples of a new spirit of English nationalism.
9. Explain the development of the English drama during the Renaissance.
10. Define “sonnet.”
11. Define “Puritan” and “Cavalier.”
12. Define “metaphysical poetry” and “Cavalier poetry.”
13. identify 3 epic conventions in Paradise Lost.
14. What was Paradise Lost’s impact on the epic as a poetic form as well as its impact on the ideology of English society (such as Christianity, humanism, etc.)?