For your “mini research assignment,” I’d like for you to choose a culture that y

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By admin

For your “mini research assignment,” I’d like for you to choose a culture that you don’t know much about but would like to learn more about. Locate the culture: what country is it, where is it, what language is spoken, what religion is practiced. Then, do some research and learn about the traditions of the culture, the food, the beliefs, the dress, the history and how it informs the present context. I ask that your project be multimodal. What this means is that it must involve more than just writing/alphabetic text. Perhaps you make a powerpoint and use videos, audio recordings and/or pictures to show what you learned about the culture from when you began doing research on it. It could be a piktochart or collage or poster. It can be digital, but it can also be hard copy and you take a picture of it and show me. It can be a video. I encourage you to be creative and have fun with this assignment. I have not set idea of what your project should look like. (Other than being more than writing). I also ask that you cite your sources. At least 4-6 sources, would be great.