William Blake’s influence on the work of American poets, songwriters, novelists and cartoonists.
1. William Blake (WB)
– important life events, main work (short introduction of WB, his life and his work)
– spiritual visionary ( his visions of the Bible, mythical personage, bards)
– poems versus drawing (how his poems are displayed in his pictures)
– known or unknown artist (possible reasons why WB is considered as both)
2. WB vs Beat Generation
– short introduction of Beat Generation (Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac)
– analyzing the particular texts from Blake and Beat Generation work, in detail (similarity, myths, etc)
need to be in detail, taking the exact parts from the work of Blake Ginsberg and Kerouac with an explanation of why the influence of Blake- comparison of their work ( experience of visionary awareness, mythology and prophetic poetry)
3. WB vs American songwriters (Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith)
-short introduction of all and mention why WB influence their work
– detailed analysis of the songwriter’s text with comparison of WB texts
4. Walt Whitman vs WB
– resemblance of these two artists and detailed analysis of the similarity of their texts
5. American cartoonists and filmmakers vs WB
– WB pictures used in movies
6. Conclusion
William Blake’s work and its legacy to the present art and influence on American art in the context of symbolical occultism and poetic link.
This literature should be used and mentioned in the text when used same as the other literature used
– ACKROYD Peter.Blake, Praha: Paseka, Z anglického originálu Blake, vydaného nakladatelstvím Sinclair-Stevenson, Londýn 1995, přeložila Sylva Ficová,2000,
– BLAKE William. Poems and Prophecies , with an Introduction by Kathleen Raine. Everyman’s Library, 1991
– BLAKE William, ERDMAN, David, ed. The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.
– BLAKE William. Selected Poems. Penguin Group, 1996
– GINSBERG Allen. Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems. Penguin Group, 2009
– KEROUAC Jack. Scattered Poems/Rozprášené básně. Votobia Olomouc, 1995
– SUGERMAN, Danny. The Doors: The Complete Lyrics. New York: Delta, 1992.
– WHITMAN Walt. Selected Poems. Penguin Group, 1996
Note: in this work should be used the exact text from one author that should be compared to the exact text from another author
William Blake’s influence on the work of American poets, songwriters, novelists
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