Title: Assessing the Implications and Barriers of Computer Vision Technologies i

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Title: Assessing the Implications and Barriers of Computer Vision Technologies in E-Commerce Domain
Research Domain: Knowledge Systems, Computer Vision, E-Commerce Platforms, User Experience.
Research Questions:
1. How are computer vision technologies being employed in the e-commerce sector, and what hindrances are encountered by businesses in its implementation?
2. What is the impact of specific computer vision techniques such as image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, etc., on the efficacy, performance, and user experience of e-commerce platforms?
3. What are the evolving trends of computer vision in the e-commerce sector, and how can they address the existing barriers?
Research Objectives:
1. Technological Assessment:
• Conduct a thorough assessment of computer vision technologies used in the e-commerce sector, identifying the challenges that hinder its implementation by businesses.
2. Impact Analysis:
• Analyze the effects of distinct computer vision techniques on the efficacy, performance, and user experience of e-commerce platforms, focusing on image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and panoptic segmentation among others.
3. Trend Evaluation:
• Evaluate the emerging trends of computer vision in the e-commerce sector, proposing solutions to overcome the identified obstacles and enhance the application of computer vision technologies.
Literature Review