Which families are in poverty? Single parents with children are much more likely

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Which families are in poverty?
Single parents with children are much more likely to be poor than married couples with children. In fact, 27 percent of people in families headed by a single woman live below the official poverty line, compared with just 5 percent in married-couple families. Still, because there are so many more married couples, there are almost as many poor people in those families (10.5 million) as there are in poor families headed by single mothers (12.5 million). Even if we eliminated poverty among single parents entirely, there would still be 23 million people living in poverty.
2. How does gender affect the workplace?
Some of the most common occupations in the United States—truck driving, construction work, secretarial work, and nursing, for example—are almost completely segregated by gender. The same is true among some professions that require college degrees, such as engineering and elementary education .One reason for this is that the occupations women dominate are often in some way similar to the work women historically have done without pay at home for their families (such as child care), while men are more likely to do jobs that are not closely associated with domestic work (such as child care), while men are more likely to do jobs that are not closely associated with domestic work (such as driving trucks). Some of the segregation is the result of men and women choosing different kinds of jobs. For example, boy grow up cooking cleaning and babysitting their relatives less often than girls do, so they may not want jobs doing that kind of work. But there are also sexist decision by employers, and sometime male workers try to keep women out of well-paying jobs. As a result, job segregation is an important part of the story of gender inequality in society.
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