In this assignment, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant references. Thi

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In this assignment, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant references. This represents the first half of your Marketing Campaign slide deck. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data.
Firstly, review the Slide Deck Outline below, which describes the required content for each slide. Then download the Assignment 2 Template, which can be found on the Week 5 Overview page in Canvas. Save the Assignment 2 template with your first and last name in the filename. Then work through the slides to create your deck, focusing for now on Slides 1 to 6 only. The slide numbers in parentheses in the Outline refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment 2 Template. If necessary, you may add one or two additional slides for topics that need them.