Hey, I need help with writing a lab report with a focus on its discussion part.

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Hey, I need help with writing a lab report with a focus on its discussion part. It is a lab report on the physiology of animals, and needs heavily reserched peer-reviewed articles as references to support.Hey. This is basically a lab report that i need help in writing the discussion porttion. There are 4 exericsies that need to be researched according to the instructions providedThings to make sure:
– That we need to discuss what we are writing and not just state
– everything needs to be refernced using peer-reviewed journals
– need to talk about the results that we got from the lab exerices in those paragraphs; so basically need to state and explain the results-mention overall trends- need to have a hypothesis that we refer to like do the results accept or reject hypothesis,need to include any previous literacture that backs up results or refutes the results, compare and contrast the results and then lastly explain the results at a molecular/cellular appraich and then explaining those reulsts at model system/phyisological approach