Mini-Narrative Analysis III (50 pts) Assignment Parameters: Mini-Narrative Analy

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Mini-Narrative Analysis III (50 pts)
Assignment Parameters: Mini-Narrative Analysis Assignment is based on the specific chapter opening narratives (mini-narratives or vignettes) from the second edition of your textbook, Intercultural Communication: A Critical Perspective. Throughout your term, you will complete two mini-narrative analyses. At the end of your first week/module, you will self-assign two chapters of your interest and preference. Each of the Mini-Narrative Analyses is due on Wednesday of the assigned week/module.
Assignment Objectives:
In this assignment, the student will be able:
to connect narratives or stories to issues of power and critical intercultural communication.
to apply a critical intercultural communication perspective to concrete and embodied narratives.
to reflect upon the dimensions in and insights proffered from analyzing narratives in relation to critical intercultural communication.
Questions for Mini-Narrative Analysis:
Analyze each of the mini-narratives in a journal entry in terms of the following questions:
How does this mini-narrative illustrate the main concept of its chapter (*you may need to identify the specific concept that you want to be analyzed)?
What role did power play in the mini-narrative? How so?
What were the tensions and insights experienced by the individual in the mini-narrative?
How does a critical intercultural communication perspective shed light on this mini-narrative? What does such a perspective reveal about this mini-narrative?
How does that individual in the mini-narrative enact the ACT Framework For Intercultural Justice?