Research and write a report on the following: (1) cultural values of the country

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By admin

Research and write a report on the following: (1) cultural values of the country* **, (2) customary
business, management, and negotiation practices, (3) benefits/risks, educational levels, and labor
environment, (4) labor laws and practices that U.S.A. businesses should understand, and (5) ethics
issues that U.S. companies should know when doing business in that country. The group must
conclude with a statement and rationale of whether or not a U.S. company should do business
in that country at this time and the rationale for why or why not. The report should be no
longer than 10 pages, double space, times new roman, 12 font, with 1” margins.
*Each group will have the same ‘home’ country (U.S.A.) but different host countries
** It may be helpful to assume an industry (e.g., retail, consumer electronics, manufacturing) to
help you focus.
Do not focus on economics, geography, history, or marketing issues except as they directly relate
to the topics of the course (e.g., labor union history, regional differences in business practices,
economic situation affecting education and labor availability). My part is section 3 and this report is on Thailand.