The reaction paper should be AT LEAST 1 page
12-point font, Times Roman, single spaced, 1= inch margins), and include both a full APA reference and summary. Carefully review the rubric and APA guide in your course files, and make sure you are using a pre-approved article.
Reference: This should be at the top of the page and formatted in APA style (see the APA guide in your course materials).
Reaction: Answer the following elements:
What was the purpose of the research?
What were the research questions and/or hypotheses?
What type of sample was used by the authors to examine this topic?
What were the main findings of this research?
What did the authors conclude based on their findings?
What is your personal reaction to the study? This should include a critical evaluation of the theory used by the authors and the study itself-meaning you should attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses of each.
For instance, can the results be generalized to a larger area or group of people? Are the concepts of the theory operationalized in such a way that makes sense? Did the study fail to control for potentially important variables? How much support does this study offer to the theory it applied?
I upload the article I wanna use also the rubric and APA guide
The reaction paper should be AT LEAST 1 page 12-point font, Times Roman, single
By admin