Conduct four developmental interviews with individuals representing differing de

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By admin

Conduct four developmental interviews with individuals representing differing developmental stages (one must be based on a child {≤ age 12}, one on an adolescent {age 12 – 20}, one on an adult over the age of 21 but less than 50, and one with an adult over 50 the age of in order to apply what has been read and discussed related to developmental stages.
You are not to use actual names so as to protect the confidentiality of the persons interviewed. When you interview a child or adolescent, you must obtain permission of the parents. I recommend that you conduct a parental interview as well. The assignment is to study “normal” development. Prior to the interview, develop a series of questions to use during the interview. Ensure that all questions and techniques used reflect the developmental level of the interviewees.
Each interview should include the following:
Demographic information
Discussion of developmental level (Cognitive and emotional/social developmental stage-based). Comparison of what you observed in the interview with what the text suggests you should expect to observe. A list of the questions you developed and other techniques you decided to use.
Each interview report should not be more than 2 pages each interview.
Make sure the paper is written in APA style.