“Do not use any newspaper, magazine, or internet sources.”Articles pertinent to

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By admin

“Do not use any newspaper, magazine, or internet sources.”Articles pertinent to sport marketing issues can be found in many professional (peer-reviewed) journals (e.g., Journal of Sport Management, International Journal of SportMarketing and Sponsorship, Sports Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Marketing, etc.). They must copy and paste the article right after their critique and submit the critique (minimum and maximum 1 page, double spacing, Times New Roman 12, & one (1) inch margin on all four sides on MS Word) to Blackboard(See Appendix I). If they cannot copy and paste your article on the paper, they can download and email the article to me. If they do not follow the instructions, they will lose 2.5 points for the article critique. If they copy and paste or quote any sentences from the article, they will receive a “0” grade. Moreover, if you submit any previous assignments, you will receive a “F” grade. “Please carefully read the academic integrity section in the syllabus.