In this module, we will examine a number of issues associated with the financing

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In this module, we will examine a number of issues associated with the financing of health care, including provider, employer, purchaser, consumer, and political factors. Managed care is central to a discussion of health care financing, as it links the delivery of and payment for services.
This module reviewed the most currently available data on national health care expenditures and sources of payment to provide a historical overview of the developments that played major roles in creating the national health care reimbursement infrastructure. Major factors that affect health care costs were identified and discussed. Significant trends in health care spending were reviewed, along with underlying reasons for evolving changes. The roles of government as a payer and provider of services were presented with an overview of continuing efforts to link costs with quality.
Assignment Descriiption:
Complete ALL of the bullet points below:
Compare and contrast each of the three questions related to Managed Care Organizations, Medicare, and Medicaid with one another and explain how they were similar and different to each other.
Managed care organizations emphasize physicians’ responsibilities to control patient access to expensive hospitalization and specialty care, a principle dubbed “gatekeeping.” Some argue that “gatekeeping” is unethical because it introduces financial factors into treatment decisions. Others say it improves quality by promoting the use of the most appropriate levels of care.
Medicare is an area that often gets overlooked and is seen as a burden financially. Discuss alternatives to ease the drain on Medicare resources.
Medicaid is shouldering an ever-increasing burden of cost for long-term care for the elderly, with enormous impacts on state budgets throughout the nation. Discuss alternatives to ease this drain on Medicaid resources.
Please submit one APA formatted table, (minimum 750 words) that highlights the above content make sure to include a title and reference page. The assignment should have a minimum of two (2) scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.