In a 2-3 page essay format define Islamic Scholarship and its Significance to We

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In a 2-3 page essay format define Islamic Scholarship and its Significance to Western Civilization expanding on these questions;
• What made it possible?
◦ Discuss the production of paper and the collection of manuscripts.
◦ What rôle did the caliphate play in the process?
• Explore several areas (medicine, astronomy, navigation, etc.)
◦ Give specific examples and note their long-term impacts.
• Examine the progress of philosophy in Islam.
◦ How did Muslim philosophers build on Plato, Aristotle, & the rest?
◦ What are some of the consequences of studying philosophy?
• How did Islamic scholarship enter the Christian and Jewish worlds?
◦ What was significant about al-Andalus?
• Why was this era of free enquiry not fated to last?
◦ Explain the factors that drove Islam from science and philosophy
In another 2-3 pages in essay format Explore the Evolution of Holy War in Christianity and Islam.
◦ Define “jihad” and how it was used in earlier Islam.
◦ What is a “just war” according to Augustine?
◦ Define “militant piety” and connect it to its Byzantine origins.
• What are the Crusades, who called them, when, and why?
◦ How do they fit into the political context of Europe?
• Trace the progress of the early Crusades and note their effects.
◦ Discuss both times Jerusalem fell (1099 & 1187); what differed & why.
◦ Finally, how did the Crusades impact relations between the faiths?
• How do the Mongol invasions fit into this story?
◦ Did the Mongol threat affect Islamic civilization? Discuss how.
• From Salah ad-Din to the Mongols, how did “jihad” evolve as an idea?
◦ How and why was it used that way