You have $100,000,000 in “Woodard Bucks” start-up funds to establish a venture/organization (such as a Social Enterprise: non-profit, for-profit, hybrid model; or Social Movement Organization) to address a social problem/environmental issue that will create a positive environmental or social change in your community. Your venture/organization MUST UTILIZE A SOCIALLY INNOVATIVE SOLUTION to help solve your social problem/environmental issue.
The following information needs to be addressed in your project. Be sure to use each of the following headings in your paper:
Title Page:
State your name.
State the name of your social problem/environmental issue.
State the name of your socially innovative solution (you are creating it so you will create a name as well).
Identify the United Nations SDG that you will be addressing in your venture.
Description of Social Problem:
Describe the social problem your venture/organization will address.Must include context of the problem (who, what, where, when, how, why) using
Identify and describe the needs of those who are experiencing the social problem (if it is an environmental issue, describe what needs to be done to solve this problem).
3. Description of Socially Innovative Solution:
Describe the socially innovative solution.
Provide an overall description addressing the who, what, where, when, how, why.
Describe how the needs of those who are experiencing the social problem will be addressed by your social innovation (for environmental issues, describe how the social innovation will address what needs to be done to solve the issue).
Describe what makes it new, novel, something has never been done before, a recombination of things, or applied to a new area.
Venture Model:
Identify and describe your venture/organization format. Non-profit; for-profit; hybrid; or social movement organization? Explain what makes it a non-profit, for profit, hybrid, or social movement.
Provide an overall description of your venture and how it operates: who, what, where, when, how, why.Explain why your venture model (non-profit, for profit, hybrid, or social movement) is the best format for your socially innovative solution and social problem. (Explain why you picked the venture model that you did).Provide your venture’s/organization’s mission statement.
Describe who will benefit from your venture/organization (and socially innovative solution) and how they will benefit.
Describe how you will reach those that will benefit from your venture/organization (and innovative solution).
Describe where and how you will get your funding to sustain the venture/organization (after your $100,000,000 is used in startup costs)
You have $100,000,000 in “Woodard Bucks” start-up funds to establish a venture/o
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