Please take some time to provide feedback for this course. This is not replacing any formal feedback the school may ask for in a survey format. Online courses can be particularly challenging for both the instructor and the student. Particularly given the challenges of both the students and instructors positions, duties and tasks. Please respond to another students feedback. Minimum 200 words.
Please answer the following questions:
What in particular did you like or dislike about taking this course online?
What were the most challenging features for you in this course and why? (Chapter assignments, quizzes, papers, team project, discussion questions)
Did you take the time to read the syllabus and if so was it clear in the expectations of this course? If not, what was not made clear?
Were the instructions to the assignments clear?
How promptly did you receive feedback and responses to your questions? In what way would you like to see this area improved?
How does this course compare to other face to face courses and other online courses you have taken?
What other suggestions or feedback do you have for the instructor for this course or otherwise?
THIS IS SOMETHING IN GENERAL. Please take some time to provide feedback for thi
By admin